Module vis
Lua Extension API for the [Vis Editor](
*WARNING:* there is no stability guarantee at this time, the API might change without notice!
This document might be out of date, run `make luadoc` to regenerate it.
- Release: 4970df0
- License: ISC
- Author: Marc André Tanner
Class Vis
vis.VERSION | Version information. |
vis.count | Current count. | | Events. |
vis.input_queue | Currently unconsumed keys in the input queue. |
vis.lexers | Scintillua lexer module. |
vis.lpeg | LPeg lexer module. |
vis.mark | Mark name in use. |
vis.mode | Currently active mode. |
vis.modes | Mode constants. |
vis.options | Vis Options |
vis.recording | Whether a macro is being recorded. |
vis.register | Register name in use. |
vis.registers | Registers. |
vis.ui | User interface. | | Currently active window. |
vis:action_register(name, func[, help]) | Register a Lua function as key action. |
vis:close(inputfd) | Closes a stream returned by ???. |
vis:command(command) | Execute a `:`-command. |
vis:command_register(name, command[, help]) | Register a custom `:`-command. |
vis:communicate(name, command) | Open new process and return its input stream (stdin). |
vis:exit(code) | Terminate editor process. |
vis:feedkeys(keys) | Push keys to input queue and interpret them. |
vis:files() | Create an iterator over all files. |
vis:info(message) | Display a short message. |
vis:insert(keys) | Insert keys at all cursor positions of active window. |
vis:map(mode, key, func[, help]) | Map a key to a Lua function. |
vis:map(mode, key, action) | Map a key to a key action. |
vis:map(mode, key, alias) | Setup a key alias. |
vis:mappings(mode) | Get all currently active mappings of a mode. |
vis:mark_names() | Create an iterator over all mark names. |
vis:message(message) | Display a multi line message. |
vis:module_exist(name) | Check whether a Lua module exists |
vis:motion_new(key, motion[, help]) | Map a new motion. |
vis:operator_new(key, operator[, help]) | Map a new operator. |
vis:option_register(name, type, handler[, help]) | Register a custom `:set` option. |
vis:option_unregister(name) | Unregister a `:set` option. |
vis:pipe(text, command[, fullscreen]) | Pipe a string to external process and collect output. |
vis:pipe([file][, range], command[, fullscreen]) | Pipe file range to external process and collect output. |
vis:redraw() | Redraw complete user interface. |
vis:register_names() | Create an iterator over all register names. |
vis:replace(keys) | Replace keys at all cursor positions of active window. |
vis:textobject_new(key, textobject[, help]) | Map a new text object. |
vis:unmap(mode, key) | Unmap a global key binding. |
vis:windows() | Create an iterator over all windows. |
Class Ui
ui.colors | Number of available colors. |
ui.layout | Current layout. |
Class Window
window.file | The file being displayed in this window. |
window.height | The window height. |
window.marks | Window marks. |
window.options | Window Options |
window.selection | The primary selection of this window. |
window.selections | The selections of this window. |
window.syntax | The file type associated with this window. |
window.viewport | Viewport currently being displayed. |
window.width | The window width. |
window:close(force) | Close window. |
window:draw() | Redraw window content. |
window:map(...) | Set up a window local key mapping. |
window:selections_iterator() | Create an iterator over all selections of this window. |
window:set_syntax(syntax) | Change syntax lexer to use for this window |
window:status(left[, right]) | Set window status line. |
window:style(id, start, finish) | Style a window range. |
window:style_define(id, style) | Define a display style. |
window:style_pos(id, x, y) | Style the single terminal cell at the given coordinates, relative to this window. |
window:unmap(...) | Remove a window local key mapping. |
Class Selection
selection.anchored | Whether this selection is anchored. |
selection.col | The 1-based column position the cursor of this selection resides on. |
selection.line | The 1-based line the cursor of this selection resides on. |
selection.number | The 1-based selection index. |
selection.pos | The zero based byte position in the file. |
selection.range | The range covered by this selection. |
selection:remove() | Remove selection. |
selection:to(line, col) | Move cursor of selection. |
Class File
file.lines | File content by logical lines. |
file.modified | File state. | | File name. |
file.path | File path. |
file.permission | File permission. |
file.savemethod | File save method |
file.size | File size in bytes. |
file:content(range) | Get file content of range. |
file:content(pos, len) | Get file content of position and length. |
file:delete(range) | Delete file range. |
file:delete(pos, len) | Delete data at position. |
file:insert(pos, data) | Insert data at position. |
file:lines_iterator() | Create an iterator over all lines of the file. |
file:mark_get(mark) | Get position of mark. |
file:mark_set(pos) | Set mark. |
file:match_at(pattern, pos[, horizon]) | Check whether LPeg pattern matches at a given file position. |
file:text_object_longword(pos) | WORD text object. |
file:text_object_word(pos) | Word text object. |
Class Range
range.finish | The end of the range. |
range.start | The beginning of the range. |
layouts | Layout Constants. |
modes | Mode constants. |
Key Handling
keyhandler(keys) | Example of a key handling function. |
Core Events
file_close(file) | File close. |
file_open(file) | File open. |
file_save_post(file, path) | File post save. |
file_save_pre(file, path) | File pre save. |
init() | Editor initialization completed. |
input(key) | Input key event in either input or replace mode. |
process_response(name, response_type, code, buffer) | The response received from the process started via ???. |
quit() | Editor is about to terminate. |
start() | Editor startup completed. |
term_csi(List) | CSI command received from terminal. |
ui_draw() | Emitted immediately before the UI is drawn to the screen. |
win_close(win) | Window close. |
win_highlight(win) | Window highlight. |
win_open(win) | Window open. |
win_status(win) | Window status bar redraw. |
events | Event names. |
events.emit(event, ...) | Generate event. |
events.subscribe(event, handler[, index]) | Subscribe to an event. |
events.unsubscribe(event, handler) | Unsubscribe from an event. |
Class Vis
Version information.
- VERSION string version information in `git describe` format, same as reported by `vis -v`.
- vis.count
Current count.
- count int the specified count for the current command or `nil` if none was given
- events events
- vis.input_queue
Currently unconsumed keys in the input queue.
- input_queue string
- vis.lexers
Scintillua lexer module.
- lexers might be `nil` if module is not found
- vis.lpeg
LPeg lexer module.
- lpeg might be `nil` if module is not found
- vis.mark
Mark name in use.
- mark string
- vis.mode
Currently active mode.
- mode modes
- vis.modes
Mode constants.
- modes modes
- vis.options
Vis Options
- autoindent boolean {ai} (default false)
- changecolors boolean (default false)
- escdelay int (default 50)
- ignorecase boolean {ic} (default false)
- loadmethod string `"auto"`, `"read"`, or `"mmap"`. (default "auto")
- shell string (default "/bin/sh")
See also:
- vis.recording
Whether a macro is being recorded.
- recording bool
- vis.register
Register name in use.
- register string
- vis.registers
- registers array to access the register by single letter name
- vis.ui
User interface.
- ui Ui the user interface being used
Currently active window.
- win Window
See also:
- vis:action_register(name, func[, help])
Register a Lua function as key action.
- name
the name of the action, can be referred to in key bindings as `
` pseudo key - func Function the lua function implementing the key action (see keyhandler)
- help string the single line help text as displayed in `:help` (optional)
action the registered key action
See also:
- name
the name of the action, can be referred to in key bindings as `
- vis:close(inputfd)
Closes a stream returned by ???.
- inputfd io.file the stream to be closed
identical to io.close
- vis:command(command)
Execute a `:`-command.
- command string the command to execute
whether the command succeeded
vis:command("set number")
- vis:command_register(name, command[, help])
Register a custom `:`-command.
- name string the command name
- command function the Lua function implementing the command
- help string the single line help text as displayed in `:help` (optional)
whether the command has been successfully registered
vis:command_register("foo", function(argv, force, win, selection, range) for i,arg in ipairs(argv) do print(i..": "..arg) end print("was command forced with ! "..(force and "yes" or "no")) print( print(selection.pos) print(range ~= nil and ('['..range.start..', '..range.finish..']') or "invalid range") return true; end)
- vis:communicate(name, command)
Open new process and return its input stream (stdin).
If the stream is closed (by calling the close method or by being removed by a garbage collector)
the spawned process will be killed by SIGTERM.
When the process will quit or will output anything to stdout or stderr,
the process_response event will be fired.
The editor core won't be blocked while the external process is running.
- name string the name of subprocess (to distinguish processes in the process_response event)
- command string the command to execute
the file handle to write data to the process, in case of error the return values are equivalent to error values.
- vis:exit(code)
Terminate editor process.
Termination happens upon the next iteration of the main event loop. This means the calling Lua code will be executed further until it eventually hands over control to the editor core. The exit status of the most recent call is used.
All unsaved changes will be lost!
- code int the exit status returned to the operating system
- vis:feedkeys(keys)
Push keys to input queue and interpret them.
The keys are processed as if they were read from the keyboard.
- keys string the keys to interpret
- vis:files()
Create an iterator over all files.
the new iterator
for file in vis:files() do -- do something with file end
- vis:info(message)
Display a short message.
The single line message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen and automatically hidden once a key is pressed.
- message string the message to display
- vis:insert(keys)
Insert keys at all cursor positions of active window.
This function behaves as if the keys were entered in insert mode, but in contrast to ??? it bypasses the input queue, meaning mappings do not apply and the keys will not be recorded in macros.
- keys string the keys to insert
See also:
- vis:map(mode, key, func[, help])
Map a key to a Lua function.
Creates a new key mapping in a given mode.
- mode int the mode to which the mapping should be added
- key string the key to map
- func function the Lua function to handle the key mapping (see keyhandler)
- help string the single line help text as displayed in `:help` (optional)
whether the mapping was successfully established
See also:
vis:map(vis.modes.INSERT, "<C-k>", function(keys) if #keys < 2 then return -1 -- need more input end local digraph = keys:sub(1, 2) if digraph == "l*" then vis:feedkeys('λ') return 2 -- consume 2 bytes of input end end, "Insert digraph")
- vis:map(mode, key, action)
Map a key to a key action.
- mode int the mode to which the mapping should be added
- key string the key to map
- action the action to map
whether the mapping was successfully established
See also:
local action = vis:action_register("info", function() vis:info("Mapping works!") end, "Info message help text") vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, "gh", action) vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, "gl", action)
- vis:map(mode, key, alias)
Setup a key alias.
This is equivalent to `vis:command('map! mode key alias')`.
Mappings are always recursive!
- mode int the mode to which the mapping should be added
- key string the key to map
- alias string the key to map to
whether the mapping was successfully established
See also:
vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, "j", "k")
- vis:mappings(mode)
Get all currently active mappings of a mode.
- mode int the mode to query
the active mappings and their associated help texts
See also:
local bindings = vis:mappings(vis.modes.NORMAL) for key, help in pairs(bindings) do -- do something end
- vis:mark_names()
Create an iterator over all mark names.
the new iterator
local marks = for name in vis:mark_names() do local mark = marks[name] for i = 1, #mark do -- do something with: name, mark[i].start, mark[i].finish end end
- vis:message(message)
Display a multi line message.
Opens a new window and displays an arbitrarily long message.
- message string the message to display
- vis:module_exist(name)
Check whether a Lua module exists Checks whether a subsequent require call will succeed.
- name string the module name to check
whether the module was found
- vis:motion_new(key, motion[, help])
Map a new motion.
Sets up a mapping in normal, visual and operator pending mode. The motion function will receive the Window and an initial position (in bytes from the start of the file) as argument and is expected to return the resulting position.
- key string the key to associate with the new option
- motion function the motion logic implemented as Lua function
- help string the single line help text as displayed in `:help` (optional)
whether the new motion could be installed
vis:motion_new("<C-l>", function(win, pos) return pos+1 end, "Advance to next byte")
- vis:operator_new(key, operator[, help])
Map a new operator.
Sets up a mapping in normal, visual and operator pending mode. The operator function will receive the File, Range and position to operate on and is expected to return the new cursor position.
- key string the key to associate with the new operator
- operator function the operator logic implemented as Lua function
- help string the single line help text as displayed in `:help` (optional)
whether the new operator could be installed
vis:operator_new("gq", function(file, range, pos) local status, out, err = vis:pipe(file, range, "fmt") if status ~= 0 then vis:info(err) else file:delete(range) file:insert(range.start, out) end return range.start -- new cursor location end, "Formatting operator, filter range through fmt(1)")
- vis:option_register(name, type, handler[, help])
Register a custom `:set` option.
- name string the option name
- type string the option type (`bool`, `string` or `number`)
- handler function the Lua function being called when the option is changed
- help string the single line help text as displayed in `:help` (optional)
whether the option was successfully registered
vis:option_register("foo", "bool", function(value, toggle) if not then return false end = toggle and not or value vis:info("Option foo = " .. tostring( return true end, "Foo enables superpowers")
- vis:option_unregister(name)
Unregister a `:set` option.
- name string the option name
whether the option was successfully unregistered
- vis:pipe(text, command[, fullscreen])
Pipe a string to external process and collect output.
The editor core will be blocked while the external process is running.
- text string the text written to the external command
- command string the command to execute
- fullscreen bool whether command is a fullscreen program (e.g. curses based) (optional)
- vis:pipe([file][, range], command[, fullscreen])
Pipe file range to external process and collect output.
The editor core will be blocked while the external process is running. File and Range can be omitted or nil to indicate empty input.
- file File the file to which the range applies (optional)
- range Range the range to pipe (optional)
- command string the command to execute
- fullscreen bool whether command is a fullscreen program (e.g. curses based) (optional)
- vis:redraw()
Redraw complete user interface.
Will trigger redraw events, make sure to avoid recursive events.
- vis:register_names()
Create an iterator over all register names.
the new iterator
for name in vis:register_names() do local reg = vis.registers[name] for i = 1, #reg do -- do something with register value reg[i] end end
- vis:replace(keys)
Replace keys at all cursor positions of active window.
This function behaves as if the keys were entered in replace mode, but in contrast to ??? it bypasses the input queue, meaning mappings do not apply and the keys will not be recorded in macros.
- keys string the keys to insert
See also:
- vis:textobject_new(key, textobject[, help])
Map a new text object.
Sets up a mapping in visual and operator pending mode. The text object function will receive the Window and an initial position(in bytes from the start of the file) as argument and is expected to return the resulting range or `nil`.
- key string the key associated with the new text object
- textobject function the text object logic implemented as Lua function
- help string the single line help text as displayed in `:help` (optional)
whether the new text object could be installed
vis:textobject_new("<C-l>", function(win, pos) return pos, pos+1 end, "Single byte text object")
- vis:unmap(mode, key)
Unmap a global key binding.
- mode int the mode from which the mapping should be removed
- key string the mapping to remove
whether the mapping was successfully removed
See also:
- vis:windows()
Create an iterator over all windows.
the new iterator
See also:
for win in vis:windows() do -- do something with win end
Class Ui
- ui.colors
Number of available colors.
- colors int
- ui.layout
Current layout.
- layout layouts current window layout.
Class Window
- window.file
The file being displayed in this window.
Changing the value to a file path will replace the current file with a new
one for the specified path.
- file File
- window.height
The window height.
- height int
- window.marks
Window marks.
Most of these marks are stored in the associated File object, meaning they
are the same in all windows displaying the same file.
- marks array to access the marks of this window by single letter name
See also:
- window.options
Window Options
- breakat string {brk} (default "")
- colorcolumn int {cc} (default 0)
- cursorline boolean {cul} (default false)
- expandtab boolean {et} (default false)
- numbers boolean {nu} (default false)
- relativenumbers boolean {rnu} (default false)
- showeof boolean (default true)
- shownewlines boolean (default false)
- showspaces boolean (default false)
- showtabs boolean (default false)
- statusbar boolean (default true)
- tabwidth int {tw} (default 8)
- wrapcolumn int {wc} (default 0)
See also:
- window.selection
The primary selection of this window.
- selection Selection
- window.selections
The selections of this window.
- selections Array(Selection)
- window.syntax
The file type associated with this window.
- syntax string the syntax lexer name or `nil` if unset
- window.viewport
Viewport currently being displayed.
Changing these values will not move the viewport.
- window.width
The window width.
- width int
- window:close(force)
Close window.
After a successful call the Window reference becomes invalid and must no longer be used. Attempting to close the last window will always fail.
- force bool whether unsaved changes should be discarded
whether the window was closed
See also:
- window:draw()
- Redraw window content.
- window:map(...)
Set up a window local key mapping.
The function signatures are the same as for ???.
- ...
See also:
- window:selections_iterator()
Create an iterator over all selections of this window.
the new iterator
- window:set_syntax(syntax)
Change syntax lexer to use for this window
- syntax string the syntax lexer name or `nil` to disable syntax highlighting
whether the lexer could be changed
- window:status(left[, right])
Set window status line.
- window:style(id, start, finish)
Style a window range.
The style will be cleared after every window redraw.
- id int the display style as registered with style_define
- start int the absolute file position in bytes
- finish int the end position
See also:
win:style(win.STYLE_DEFAULT, 0, 10)
- window:style_define(id, style)
Define a display style.
- id int the style id to use
- style string the style definition
whether the style definition has been successfully
associated with the given id
See also:
win:style_define(win.STYLE_DEFAULT, "fore:red")
- window:style_pos(id, x, y)
Style the single terminal cell at the given coordinates, relative to this window.
Completely independent of the file buffer, and can be used to style UI elements, such as the status bar. The style will be cleared after every window redraw.
- id int display style registered with style_define
- x int 0-based x coordinate within Win, where (0,0) is the top left corner
- y int See above
false if the coordinates would be outside the window's dimensions
See also:
win:style_pos(win.STYLE_COLOR_COLUMN, 0, win.height - 1) -- Styles the first character of the status bar (or the last line, if disabled)
- window:unmap(...)
Remove a window local key mapping.
The function signature is the same as for ???.
- ...
See also:
Class Selection
A selection is a non-empty, directed range with two endpoints called *cursor* and *anchor*. A selection can be anchored in which case the anchor remains fixed while only the position of the cursor is adjusted. For non-anchored selections both endpoints are updated. A singleton selection covers one character on which both cursor and anchor reside. There always exists a primary selection which remains visible (i.e. changes to its position will adjust the viewport).
The range covered by a selection is represented as an interval whose endpoints are absolute byte offsets from the start of the file. Valid addresses are within the closed interval `[0, file.size]`.
Selections are currently implemented using character marks into the underlying persistent [text management data structure](
This has a few consequences you should be aware of:
- A selection becomes invalid when the delimiting boundaries of the underlying text it is referencing is deleted:
-- leaves selection in an invalid state win.file:delete(win.selection.pos, 1) assert(win.selection.pos == nil)
Like a regular mark it will become valid again when the text is reverted to the state before the deletion.
- Inserts after the selection position (`> selection.pos`) will not affect the selection position.
local pos = win.selection.pos win.file:insert(pos+1, "-") assert(win.selection.pos == pos)
- Non-cached inserts before the selection position (`<= selection.pos`) will affect the mark and adjust the selection position by the number of bytes which were inserted.
local pos = win.selection.pos win.file:insert(pos, "-") assert(win.selection.pos == pos+1)
- Cached inserts before the selection position (`<= selection.pos`) will not affect the selection position because the underlying text is replaced inplace.
For these reasons it is generally recommended to update the selection position after a modification. The general procedure amounts to:
1. Read out the current selection position 2. Perform text modifications 3. Update the selection position
This is what ??? and ??? do internally.
local data = "new text" local pos = win.selection.pos win.file:insert(pos, data) win.selection.pos = pos + #data
- selection.anchored
Whether this selection is anchored.
- anchored bool
- selection.col
The 1-based column position the cursor of this selection resides on.
- col int
See also:
- selection.line
The 1-based line the cursor of this selection resides on.
- line int
See also:
- selection.number
The 1-based selection index.
- number int
- selection.pos
The zero based byte position in the file.
Might be `nil` if the selection is in an invalid state. Setting this field will move the cursor endpoint of the selection to the given position.
- pos int
- selection.range
The range covered by this selection.
- range Range
- selection:remove()
- Remove selection.
- selection:to(line, col)
Move cursor of selection.
- line int the 1-based line number
- col int the 1-based column number
Class File
- file.lines
File content by logical lines.
Assigning to array element `0` (`#lines+1`) will insert a new line at the beginning (end) of the file.
- lines Array(string) the file content accessible as 1-based array
See also:
local lines = for i=1, #lines do lines[i] = i .. ": " .. lines[i] end
- file.modified
File state.
- modified bool whether the file contains unsaved changes
File name.
- name string the file name relative to current working directory or `nil` if not yet named
- file.path
File path.
- path string the absolute file path or `nil` if not yet named
- file.permission
File permission.
- permission int the file permission bits as of the most recent load/save
- file.savemethod
File save method
- savemethod string `"auto"`, `"atomic"`, or `"inplace"`. (default "auto")
- file.size
File size in bytes.
- size int the current file size in bytes
- file:content(range)
Get file content of range.
- range Range the range to read
the file content corresponding to the range
- file:content(pos, len)
Get file content of position and length.
- pos int the 0-based file position in bytes
- len int the length in bytes to read
the file content corresponding to the range
See also:
local file = local text = file:content(0, file.size)
- file:delete(range)
Delete file range.
- range Range the range to delete
whether the file content was successfully changed
- file:delete(pos, len)
Delete data at position.
- pos int the 0-based file position in bytes
- len int the length in bytes to delete
whether the file content was successfully changed
- file:insert(pos, data)
Insert data at position.
- pos int the 0-based file position in bytes
- data string the data to insert
whether the file content was successfully changed
- file:lines_iterator()
Create an iterator over all lines of the file.
For large files this is probably faster than lines.
the new iterator
See also:
for line in file:lines_iterator() do -- do something with line end
- file:mark_get(mark)
Get position of mark.
- mark Mark the mark to look up
pos the position of the mark, or `nil` if invalid
- file:mark_set(pos)
Set mark.
- pos int the position to set the mark to, must be in [0, file.size]
mark the mark which can be looked up later
- file:match_at(pattern, pos[, horizon])
Check whether LPeg pattern matches at a given file position.
- pattern the LPeg pattern
- pos int the absolute file position which should be tested for a match
- horizon int the number of bytes around `pos` to consider (defaults to 1K) (optional)
start,end the range of the matched region or `nil`
- file:text_object_longword(pos)
WORD text object.
- pos int the position which must be part of the word
range the range
- file:text_object_word(pos)
Word text object.
- pos int the position which must be part of the word
range the range
Class Range
For a valid range `start <= finish` holds. An invalid range is represented as `nil`.
- modes
Mode constants.
- NORMAL int
- INSERT int
- VISUAL int
See also:
Key Handling
This section describes the contract between the editor core and Lua key handling functions mapped to symbolic keys using either ??? or ???.
- keyhandler(keys)
Example of a key handling function.
The keyhandler is invoked with the pending content of the input queue given as argument. This might be the empty string if no further input is available.
The function is expected to return the number of *bytes* it has consumed from the passed input keys. A negative return value is interpreted as an indication that not enough input was available. The function will be called again once the user has provided more input. A missing return value (i.e. `nil`) is interpreted as zero, meaning no further input was consumed but the function completed successfully.
- keys string the keys following the mapping
the number of *bytes* being consumed by the function (see above)
See also:
vis:map(vis.modes.INSERT, "<C-k>", function(keys) if #keys < 2 then return -1 -- need more input end local digraph = keys:sub(1, 2) if digraph == "l*" then vis:feedkeys('λ') return 2 -- consume 2 bytes of input end end, "Insert digraph")
Core Events
These events are invoked from the editor core. The following functions are invoked if they are registered in the `` table. Users scripts should generally use the [Events](#events) mechanism instead which multiplexes these core events.
- file_close(file)
File close.
The last window displaying the file has been closed.
- file File the file being closed
- file_open(file)
File open.
- file File the file to be opened
- file_save_post(file, path)
File post save.
Triggered *after* a successful write operation.
- file_save_pre(file, path)
File pre save.
Triggered *before* the file is being written.
- file File the file being written
- path string the absolute path to which the file will be written, `nil` if standard output
whether the write operation should be proceeded
- init()
Editor initialization completed.
This event is emitted immediately after `visrc.lua` has been sourced, but
before any other events have occurred, in particular the command line arguments
have not yet been processed.
Can be used to set *global* configuration options.
- input(key)
Input key event in either input or replace mode.
- key string
whether the key was consumed or not
- process_response(name, response_type, code, buffer)
The response received from the process started via ???.
- name string the name of process given to ???
- response_type string can be "STDOUT" or "STDERR" if new output was received in corresponding channel, "SIGNAL" if the process was terminated by a signal or "EXIT" when the process terminated normally
- code int the exit code number if response_type is "EXIT", or the signal number if response_type is "SIGNAL"
- buffer string the available content sent by the process
- quit()
- Editor is about to terminate.
- start()
- Editor startup completed. This event is emitted immediately before the main loop starts. At this point all files are loaded and corresponding windows are created. We are about to process interactive keyboard input.
- term_csi(List)
CSI command received from terminal.
- List of CSI parameters
- ui_draw()
Emitted immediately before the UI is drawn to the screen.
Allows last-minute overrides to the styling of UI elements.
*WARNING:* This is emitted every screen draw! Use sparingly and check for `nil` values!
- win_close(win)
Window close.
An window is being closed.
- win Window the window being closed
- win_highlight(win)
Window highlight.
The window has been redrawn and the syntax highlighting needs to be performed.
- win Window the window being redrawn
See also:
- win_open(win)
Window open.
A new window has been created.
- win Window the window being opened
- win_status(win)
Window status bar redraw.
- win Window the affected window
See also:
User scripts can subscribe Lua functions to certain events. Multiple functions can be associated with the same event. They will be called in the order they were registered. The first function which returns a non `nil` value terminates event propagation. The remaining event handler will not be called.
Keep in mind that the editor is blocked while the event handlers are being executed, avoid long running tasks.
- events
Event names.
- FILE_CLOSE see file_close
- FILE_OPEN see file_open
- FILE_SAVE_POST see file_save_post
- FILE_SAVE_PRE see file_save_pre
- INIT see init
- INPUT see input
- QUIT see quit
- START see start
- WIN_CLOSE see win_close
- WIN_HIGHLIGHT see win_highlight
- WIN_OPEN see win_open
- WIN_STATUS see win_status
- TERM_CSI see term_csi
- PROCESS_RESPONSE see process_response
- UI_DRAW see ui_draw
- events.emit(event, ...)
Generate event.
Invokes all event handlers in the order they were registered. Passes all arguments to the handler. The first handler which returns a non `nil` value terminates the event propagation. The other handlers will not be called.
- event string the event name
- ... ... the remaining parameters are passed on to the handler
- events.subscribe(event, handler[, index])
Subscribe to an event.
Register an event handler.
- event string the event name
- handler function the event handler
- index int the index at which to insert the handler (1 is the highest priority) (optional)
Usage:, function(file, path) -- do something useful return true end)
- events.unsubscribe(event, handler)
Unsubscribe from an event.
Remove a registered event handler.
- event string the event name
- handler function the event handler to unsubscribe
whether the handler was successfully removed